"What is HOUSE MUSIC?" article + feedback

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Re: "What is HOUSE MUSIC?" article feedbacks

Postby Guest on Sat May 03, 2008 3:04 am


Re: "What is HOUSE MUSIC?" article feedbacks

Postby hq320only on Sat May 03, 2008 6:05 pm

House is not just music. House is a FEELing!

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Joined: Sat May 03, 2008 5:55 pm

Re: "What is HOUSE MUSIC?" article feedbacks

Postby an unknown on Sun May 04, 2008 2:34 pm

very very nice. bravo. I agree to all. us house music people do not have big heads. most of the times house music producers are not only into house as composers. and its so cool to know how minimal they can get when creating house music. and how clear the final output of this sound is - nothing to hide.

(house music should not be played using ableton live or any other kind of automated computer software. let that for those that call themselves "djs" and jump up and down or wearing sunglasses behind the laptop, and fake our brothers, the audience.)
an unknown

Re: "What is HOUSE MUSIC?" article feedbacks

Postby alexpreme on Sun May 04, 2008 3:49 pm

this is good that for once someone wrote the real history of house.....only this :i get deep when the thought of music is that we dancing to be free so church lady thanks 4 the love of house 4 the love of beats for the love of dance,the dancefloor is our temple and you 're in the car looking all of us.....if you can't understand me then you don't know malendro!house is always call to me like a mother call her babies to come home all i wanna give you is a big thanks now i can touch the sky because of you house music!!!!!!

Re: "What is HOUSE MUSIC?" article feedbacks

Postby ADAPTATION MUSIC on Sun May 04, 2008 4:07 pm


Re: "What is HOUSE MUSIC?" article feedbacks

Postby salt1ner on Wed May 07, 2008 1:46 am

well said strictly!
agree 100%

house music has so much more potential than the 1 dimensional slap happy party music most people think it is. when house is good it has layers of feelings and vibes being expressed in it.
you can feel it on multiple levels.


Re: "What is HOUSE MUSIC?" article feedbacks

Postby Locker on Tue May 13, 2008 7:16 pm

Nice write it man. Keep representing for the house heads.



Re: "What is HOUSE MUSIC?" article feedbacks

Postby oliver on Wed May 14, 2008 3:45 pm

Awesome article bro - you put the finger right on the spot and your involvment makes me proud to have a quality househead like you as a buddy !

Thanks for what you do.

oliver (SH)

PS : your article reminded me of some famous chicago dj saying this in an old documentary i had on tape (roughly) :

House music is Disco's little sister coming back for revenge because it was buried to early !
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Joined: Wed May 14, 2008 3:23 pm

Re: "What is HOUSE MUSIC?" article feedbacks

Postby Funkyfun on Fri May 23, 2008 5:49 pm

I love your article, that is what house is about: the unifying vibe from the music, love and respect for each other, learning from and celebrating our differences and just feel our souls being united by the love for the music

Re: "What is HOUSE MUSIC?" article + feedback

Postby fellefell on Sun Jan 04, 2009 2:10 am

Well since I am kinda new to this board but on the other hand being a older househead, let me tell a few people what housemusic really is.

Housemusic/ Dancemusic even though it has touch a ton of people, is not what most think that it is.

Some say that Frankie Knyuckles was/is the Godfather of house, Not true.

House is a feeling. Not really.

House started in Chicago? Not true.

Going back to the old days of the late 80's, there was a era when the disco beat (4x4) was totaly gone. Freestyle was the new thing, which was preceeded by the era of plain R&B and New Wave. In the black community, which is where i am from, the djs missed for the drive of the disco beat. In response to this they returned to playing classic hits from time to time.

Frankie Knuckles, being from New York was playing classic New York favorites at the Wahehouse in Chicago. The classic Favorites were called House tracks. Meaning the favorites.

The djs that started making records wanted their records to be included in the favorites. Some were a lot were not.

Due to the fact that some of the releases were good enough for djs to program into the night the fad caught on. As seen today, those tracks cannot measure up to the Dico classics. Even though they had a good impression on the dancefloor at that time they did not last. As already known, there are plenty of classic disco tracks that will do damage to a dancefloor now. These are the real Dancemusic house tracks.

In every genre there are house tracks (favorites). To each genre there is a feeling. Vocals also!!
We the househeads of dance music, want to take claim to the title, but it is kinda selfish to do so.

One would just neeed to back in time and ask any major label record promotor what the real name for the genre is. They will tell you Dancemusic.

Even though it has been said that Dancemusic/Housemusic is underground, I would have to disagree with that, as long as people continue to dance, the genre will continue. Will it ever get back to where it once was is a better question.

There are a few factors that have to be included, which at this time are lacking. The participation of the communities that were there years ago are not there now, well not in America.

Yes the majority of the black and latino communities are not supporting the genre so the soul of tne music is not there like it was. The real danceers are not there. The singing people are not there, The people that made the night all that and then some are not there. When the next generation of people that fit this discription fill the gap, the music will be as it should be.

In closing, Please remember that even though a lot of producers create music of all genres, BUT only the people can make a song/track a house track by giveing that track or song their approval to be a classic. This can only come from that song or tracks touching the people in one way or another!

No one can take the claim of starting Housemusic and if they do, tell them to call me and I will set them straight. Even a person like Frankie Knuckles would be put in his place too!
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